Friday, April 17, 2009

Gotta start soon

I keep looking out at my two 2 yr olds and have that urge to get out there and get going on them with their ground work. It seems like I never have enough time and when I do have the time the weather won't allow it. Do I set aside a few hours each evening to at least go out and halter and brush and just work on some basics of moving from pressure and allowing me to touch ever part of their body. Both are so easy going and laid back but do need lots of work with leaving the others and being on their own. So what better way to incoporate weight loss and training by taking them for walks at night.

I am hoping to have enough time between coming home from work and doing homeowork and housework to take each one for at least a 1/2 mile walk every afternoon.
I only have 3 more weeks of work left and then am off for the summer and will have more time to devote to these two and my other 5 and get everyone back into tip top riding shape.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Helping a friend in need

Wow first of all this has been a busy week. Finally have time to sit down and write.
Got up this morning to a actually decent day. At least temps were above the below zero mark. Went out and loved on my horses a little and brushed out Whisper and Penny the two youngsters. Needed to run to town and get more grain for the horses and was just getting my self ready to go and I get a phone call from a neighbor that lives down the road. They had a filly down and could not get her up and was not sure what was wrong. So Dale and I jump in the truck and head down the road to see if we can help. I haven't seen these horses in awhile and when we got there we found a little 2 yr old filly laying in a barn shivering. I had the owner get a halter and we tried and tried to get her up with no luck. She seemed to be hurting and we got her maneuvered around enough to get her drug out of the small part of this barn she was in to a wider area so we could get her help and get her up. We finally talked the owners into calling a vet to come out and we stayed with them and waited. We made a few attempts to get the little girl up with no luck. My son and his boss were out hunting and they stopped and with us all together we did finally get this girl on her feet. She was so cold and they were not sure how long she had been laying in the barn and so I felt it was just so important to get her up.
After we got her up she took a few unsteady steps and slowly inched her way to the door way and we got her into the sun which I felt warmed her some.
The vet did finally make it and after treatment for colic she seemed to be a little better. For awhile there I thought they were going to lose her. She just seemed to give up a few times and would lay there. The little filly was pretty skinny and so I gave the owners heads up on a good feed program to start their horses on (as they were all pretty skinny) and get them into shape so they can put on body fat. With the way it has been here weather wise they needed some fat to help keep them warm. Got done with that and headed home. Am going to go out now and work on my babies and clean some pens and make a nice place for them as with all this snow and now it is warmer it is melting some and now getting wet and will get icy.
Oh I did come home with a new little addition to the family. The people I helped with their horse had this little miniature pincher/Chihuahua cross they wanted to get rid of and it was living outside and it has like NO hair! So I felt bad for it and took him home. He is not quite a year old and is as cute as cute can be.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Just the beginning

Since this is the beginning of a new year I feel it has to be a beginning of a new me. For those who don't know me I am a 39 yr old mother of 4 boys. My oldest son Matt is 19 and is in the Army Reserves. He is at home at the present time and I am hoping to keep him here. I have another son Mike who is 16 and is a avid football player and is in 10th grade in school. Next in line is my son Mitch who is 15 and is in 9th grade in school and is more interested in working and his animals at home then in school. Last in my line of boys is Marshall who is 13 and loves sports and is in 7th grade in school. One thing all my boys have in common with my husband Dale ( who I have been married to for 19 years now) and I is our love for horses. I have had horses since I was born and when I married I would not go for anything less then having at least one horse on the place. Well after 19 years of marriage and many many horses that have came and went through our lives we have right now settled on the present 7 we have.
2007 and 2008 I really feel now were growing years for me. In November of 2006 my dad got sick and in Jan of 2007 found out he had cancer. We were told it was terminal and it seems since then my life has never been the same. December 29th of 2006 while my dad was fighting for his life in the hospital my aunt (my mothers sister) was found deceased in her apartment. March 26th 2007 my dad lost his battle with cancer. It was so hard losing my dad and it sent me into a downward spiral. In June of 2007 I thought I needed to get back to doing what I loved most to try to bring myself out of this depression and so I began working on a 3 yr old filly we owned. Well on June 17th I was out working on this filly and had just gotten on and she had other ideas and I ended up in the hospital with a shatterd wrist and bruised body. I had a Doctor that didn't really do his job and ended up in a cast from my wrist to my shoulder for 5 weeks. During this time I also got a inner ear infection. Now if you have never had one of those I would not wish them on my worst enemy. It took me 3 weeks to be able to walk normal and not fall over from dizziness. In July of 2007 I lost a cousin to a terrible accident. He was just starting college and was riding in a pickup and fell off backwards hitting his head and was killed instantly. So with the ear infection, passing of family members, and my broken wrist it all sent me downward into a deeper depression. I then found my wrist was not healing properly and so had to have surgery on it. So on July 29th of 07 I underwent surgery to put my wrist back together again. I did not get full use of my wrist until December of 2007, only to find that I will never have full function of it again.
So in this time I sunk down even deeper. Now come into the picture of 2008. I just spent most of my time depressed and not doing much of anything. My horses were not getting ridden and my butt was getting bigger (along with the rest of me). In May Matt graduated high school and on May 20th he left for the Army. I can tell you I spent many a day crying and missing him so much. We didn't get to hear from him much and when we did he just seemed like he was just reaching out for help and was so sad. That really took it's toll on me. Then in July of 2008 my mom started having heart problems. So we moved my mother into our home with us. I just felt it would be so much easier to help her with her here and not so far away.
I burried myself into my work at Head Start and into my college classes and did so that much so that I felt, I wasted most of my year of 2008. We did go to Kentucky to see Matt graduate boot camp and then he was off to Maryland for his AIT training.
Now I am sitting here at 12:30 am in the dark of night and I think to myself. I am going to make a change. No more feeling sorry for me in 2009. I am going to lose my weight, get going on my horses again and have fun. God gave me this life and I will not wast it any longer feeling sorry for myself. I want to finish college and get my degree, I want to get my new horse going on barrels again and start running again, I want to start working on my house and get it fixed up and I want to live! I want to not waste a precious second on feeling sorry for myself and being depressed. I am hoping to keep a blog going on my progress with my barrel horse and my young colt I am working on.
It really felt good to just sit down here and write all this down. It is almost like taking that weight off my shoulders.
God Bless and see ya on the trails!